Wastewater Treatment Biofilter

Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) BioRich is a waste treatment process that is structured systematically by using a combination of anaerobic-aerobic biofilter. Wastewater treatment with anaerobic-aerobic biofilter consists of several parts: an initial deposition bath, biofilter anaerobic (anoxic), aerobic biofilter, final settling and chlorination (disinfected).

Biofilter process with a combination of anaerobic-aerobic has several advantages:
Media honeycomb also serves as a media filter wastewater through this medium. So the result, waste water containing suspended solids and E. coli bacteria will decrease the level of concentration after going through this honeycomb. Filtration efficiency will be very heavy because the biofilter up flow filtration system with flow from bottom to top would reduce the speed of the particles contained in the waste water and the particles carried by the flow to the top to the bottom of the tank.
The formation of a layer of lenders or biological films for their wastewater through the media bioball contained in this biofilter, biological film that has been formed will describe organic substances that have not decomposed in the settling basin and a process of biological decomposition. The more extensive contact between the wastewater by micro-organisms that attach to the surface bioball is better also decrease the level of efficiency of organic substances (BOD) in the wastewater. In addition to eliminating the concentration of BOD and COD, it also can reduce the concentration of suspended solids or suspended solids (SS), detergents (MBAs), ammonium and phosphorus.

With a combination of process "Anaerobic-Aerobic", phosphorus compounds removal efficiency becomes greater when dibandingankan with the process of anaerobic or aerobic process alone. During his time in anaerobic condition, inorganic phosphorus compounds present in cells mikrooragnisme will come out as a result hidrolosa phosphorus compound, whereas the energy generated is used to absorb the BOD (organic compounds) contained in wastewater. BOD removal efficiency would work well if the comparison between the BOD and phosphorus (P) greater than 10. During his stay in aerobic conditions, dissolved phosphorus compounds will be absorbed by bacteria or micro-organisms and will be synthesized into polyphospat by using the energy generated by the oxidation of organic senywa ( BOD). Thus the combination of anaerobic-aerobic process can eliminate BOD and phosphorus properly. This process can be used for wastewater treatment with organic load is quite big.

Wastewater treatment process with biofilter anaerobic-aerobic is a development of the biofilter anaerobic aeration process contact Wastewater treatment with biofilter anaerobic-aerobic consists of several parts of the basin sedimentation early, biofilter anaerobic (anoxic), biofilter aerobic basin sedimentation end, and fitted with a tube pipe disinfected.
Wastewater flows through the filter fiber (bar screen) to filter the waste is still solid form. After going through the screen can wastewater initial sedimentation basin, to precipitate particles of mud, sand and other impurities. Aside from being a sedimentation basin, as well as a tub berfungasi flow controllers, as well as bath decomposing organic compounds in the form of solids, sludge digestion (decomposing sludge) and sludge container.

Water runoff from sedimentation basin early next poured into tubs contactor anaerobic flow direction from the top and bottom to top. In the anaerobic contactor in a tub filled with media bioball. Number of anaerobic contactor tubs can be made more than one according to the quality and quantity of raw water to be treated.

Decomposition of organic substances contained in waste water carried by anaerobic or facultative aerobic bacteria After a few days of operation, on the surface of the filter media to grow a layer of film micro-organisms. Micro-organisms is what will break down organic matter that has not had time to decompose in the sedimentation basin.
Water runoff from the bath contactor (biofilter) anaerobic poured into tubs contactor (biofilter) aerobic. Aerobic contactors in the tank is filled with honeycomb media, while aerated or blown with air so that the micro-organism that breaks down the organic substances contained in waste water as well as to grow and attach to the surface of the media.

Thus the waste water will be in contact with micro-orgainisme suspended in water or attached to the surface of the medium in which it can improve the efficiency of decomposition of organic substances, detergents as well as accelerate the process of nitrification, so the ammonia removal efficiency becomes greater. This process is often called Aeration Contacts (Contact Aeration).

From the aeration basin, the water flowed into the final sedimentation basin. The tub in the activated sludge containing micro-organisms deposited mass and pumped back to the aeration basin inlet to pump mud circulation. While the water runoff (over flow) poured into tubs chlorination. In a bath of this chlorine contactor wastewater is contacted with a chlorine compound to kill pathogenic micro-organisms.

Process water, the water that comes out after the chlorination process can be directly discharged into rivers or the public channel. With a combination of anaerobic and aerobic processes are in addition can reduce organic substances (BOD, COD), also can reduce the concentration of ammonia, detergent, suspended solids (SS), phosphate and others. more info about Perbedaan Septic Tank Bio

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